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Meet Peter

AI  Co-pilot for Technical Recruiters 

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5X Faster Recruiting

With  AskPeter    -    AI-Driven Resume Recommendation Engine and Profile Scorer   

AI Recruiting Assistant whose name is Peter.jpg

I am Peter, your co-pilot in recruiting, specializing in technical roles. I will help you find matching profiles, prepare coversheet and more.

Conventional Resume
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Traditional Resume.png
Peter Generated Profile_edited.jpg

Skills Rating


Resume  Score 

profile Ranking

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So, what can Peter do  ?

Recommend Matching Resume

Peter (AI - Recruiting Assistant) enables recruiters to identify matching resume, through AI based cognitive search, improving productivity and lead time to submission. 

Build Candidate Profile (w/Skills Matrix) 

AskPeter's AI-powered data mining and analysis features,  help build synopsized Candidate Cover Sheet (with Skills Matrix & Profile Score)  for ease of top level profile evaluationby recruiters and hiring managers. 

        Recruiting Features 

Peter is continuously being trained with large amount of Data for being more  recruiting savvy  (including speech-to-text features), thereby enabling recruiters with precise search results and improved featureset. 

...... and more 

The IT Staffing Industry: An Overview


Market Size


Talent Specialists


Open Tech Jobs



About AskPeter >
AI Recruiting Assistant whose name is Peter.jpg

Peter , AI - Recruiting Assistant, optimizes your hiring process with its resume recommendation system, offering curated candidate selections, skill match matrices, and professional cover sheets. It accelerates decision-making by presenting thoughtfully curated talent pools, reducing time-to-hire while ensuring the best fit for your team. With Peter as your AI-driven recruitment partner, expect streamlined procedures and enhanced efficiency in finding top talent.

So, what can you Ask Peter ?

Resume Search and Profile Ranking

"How many applicants have 3 + years of  Azure Data Factory  experience  ?

Recommend  me 3 Java Developers with over all 10 years and 5+ Years experience in   Java backend and Microservices 

Find me top 3 resume for my Job Listing  2

Other Recruiting Features  

Help me prepare cover sheet  for Candidate Name , John Doe 

Help me compute hourly rate of John Doe whose salary is $150K in the state of CA

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1875 S. Winchester Blvd

Campbell, CA

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